A global community for ELT professionals to connect, share and develop

What's been happening in the Hub recently?

Friday 2nd August, 2024

June and July flew by, with lots of great content in the Hub, including webinars with Blanca Gallego talking about fostering student autonomy and accountability in language learning and Blessing Epum shared some tips on synergising with parents to motivate young learners.

You may have seen Abigail’s webinar in June about Elevate – she shared more details on how to join the platform.

And here are our most recent Wednesday Questions:

There were also lots of great posts from Hubsters. Robert had some great tips on using music in the classroomusing mnemonics and integrating skills when teaching teens. He also shared a video on embracing mistakes, another on using roleplays and Mary shared some favourite speaking activites. Jane asked about using shadowing and Francesca came to pick our brains about phrasal verbs.

Kristen asked about using situational language in the classroom, Thomas asked about refresher courses for teachers and Alan shared a free behaviour management course for teachers working with young learners. Caroline shared a link to her memoir as an English teacher and Tom was looking to connect with teachers in Cartagena (Spain). He also prompted a great thread on developing lessons for groups and asked about TBLT.

Robert shared issue 22 of the University Grapevine and Jane-Maria shared some tips on helping language learners over the summer break.

These are some events which were shared and may have now passed, but it’s worth contacting the OP if you’re interested in finding out more.