It’s been another wonderful week in the Hub, with new members joining us from Spain, the UK, Germany, Brazil, India, Italy and Hong Kong – our community is becoming more global every week!
This week we hosted our first Monthly Management Meet Up which was a fabulous event with lots of food for thought. Topics discussed included the impact of COVID and Brexit on staffing and the skills managers need to lead effectively during these changing times. The next Meet Up is on March 23rd at 11am (UTC+1).
There was lots of discussion around our Wednesday Question this week which was on the ENORMOUS topic of observation. Feelings were mixed, but there were also good suggestions about different approaches people have tried from drop-ins to self-observation, getting involved with the class yourself and observing someone else teach one of your groups. This is definitely an area we’ll look at in more detail in the future.
Then Thursday’s webinar was hugely successful and the chat during the live event and after was full of wonderful comments and suggestions. If you’re looking for advice on time management, it’s definitely worth a watch on #catchup