Well, this week has positively flown by! We had our second Focused Forum on Tuesday and the topic of choice for this week was emergent language. It was an incredibly interesting chat as we discussed the importance of having emotional connections to language and time constraints around making space for learners to use the language they need in the classroom. We also talked about some of the challenges around dealing with emergent language on pre-service qualifications and shared some ideas for how to record new words and phrases which come up during the lesson.
Our Wednesday Question this week continued the theme as we asked members to share their favourite vocabulary revision activities.
Then on Thursday we had a wonderful webinar with Fiona Hunter, owner of Kids Club English. She shared her experience of developing and selling self-published materials with lots of great tips about which programmes to use, where you can sell materials and how to build a brand.
Next week we have a Monthly Management Meet Up on Tuesday and then our regular coffee breaks on Thursday.