It’s been a pretty chilly month here in Spain, but the Hub is full of warmth as always!
We kicked off the year with a couple of great webinars: Teaching Communication Skills Using Formulaic Language and In Defence of the 4-week Training Course, had our next Trainer Talking Time on the topic of differentiation and got people thinking with our Wednesday Questions:
- What’s your favourite ELT podcast?
- What’s your favourite culturally-specific bit of language?
- What are your go-to resources for Business English?
- Have you tried ChatGPT?
- What’s your favourite coursebook series for young learners?
Melissa asked about post-pandemic hiring and Blanka asked us to share ideas on how we slow down 😍 And Jack shared some great questions which got us chatting about breakout rooms.
At the very end of December, Erin posted a poll asking “What’s your biggest issue as a teacher?” Some interesting results and comments there Robert shared the first 2023 issue of The University Grapevine and Michelle asked some interesting questions about inclusivity in the classroom.
Silvina shared more fabulous resources, this time on accent bias and innovation, whilst Catherine shared links to her one-minute games on World Braille Day, Chinese New Year and Welsh Valentine’s Day. And Bhavna had another wonderful story resource for My Brother’s Wheeeelchair.
The chat around AI continued, with Sean sharing a link to his next episode of Ethos English on the topic. There was an interesting question from Fiona as well about apps which young learners can use to learn English and communicate with other learners and she also shared a link to a new game being developed for learners to review language. Also on the topic of young learners, Vanessa shared a link to the YLTSig event that happened mid-January…I believe the recordings are available. Antonio was also looking for tips for working with teens for the first time as well.