We’re moving to fortnightly digests for a couple of reasons, but the main one is that I can kill two birds with one stone and prep the questions for the Coffee Break as I write the digest!
It’s been a very CPD-filled fortnight in the Hub. In the Monthly Management Meet Up, we talked about balancing a teacher’s development with quality control in observations. Later that week, we had a fascinating talk from Mark Carver about how to identify quality in teacher development programmes, which also led on to this week’s Wednesday Question about our own next steps in development.
The previous week’s Wednesday Question looked at using different senses in the classroom and there were some ideas shared on using visualisations, a lesson on eating bugs and a fun, reflective task for what makes our students happy.
In the monthly Speakers’ Corner event, we chatted about queer identity in education, with Jordan Putman sharing some thought-provoking questions for teachers and centre managers.
Other questions from Hubsters have included suggestions for a C1 self-study grammar resource, a query about how you store materials you create digitally and a question about the digital resources you use – which in itself is a great list of handy sites!